Male Health Review
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In this article, I explain the proper way to jelq. The jelq exercise is quite literally the base for all other penile exercises when in regard to enlargement and honing your sexual skills. If your main goal is to achieve a bigger size and hardness, jelqing is the best way to begin your search as to activities to add to your daily exercise routine for overall health and stamina. AboutThe term “jelq” actually stemmed from Arab origins and has been an established practice in America since the 197o’s when the rise of national dairies climbed in number. This term came from the “milking” motion used to milk cows. It has been said that some men have added an additional 2 inches in both length and girth from the result of regular jelq exercising. These exercises should be completed 5-20 minutes per day, 2-5 days per week. When conducted in a proper manner and with a good penile warm up and adequate cool down, jelqing is by no means harmful. In fact, it increases overall penile health! So, by all means, jelq away guys!If you don't have the time to jelq then check out the X4 Labs Extender program. Penis extender increase length and make a perfect compliment to jelqing. What You Will Need to Start JelqingBelieve it or not, one of the most important things to have on hand is some form of lubrication. If you don’t want a sore penis, take my word for it, lubrication matters. This emulates the natural lubrication that you would experience inside a woman, provided of course, that you did your bit when it comes to foreplay with your lady. Bathmates have a jelqing solution which is useful and you can even buy it online, which means that you don’t have to go through the embarrassment of being served by a lady in the pharmacy or sex shop according to The Steps of Basic JelqingThe process of the basic jelq, involves a simple fluid motion that is made up of easy to follow and use steps. LubricationEnsure that before you go on with any steps, not to take lubrication lightly. Liberally apply lubricant to the entirety of your penis. This can be baby oil, Vaseline or other penis lubricants such as water based, which can also be good if you are using a condom with your lady. Get to a Proper Erection LevelMassage your penis until you reach 50-75% erection level. This can be accomplished with light strokes. You want to ensure that your penis is limp enough so that you can efficiently push blood through it. You should never try to perform any sort of jelqing exercises with an erect penis. If you do, then you can actually injure yourself and will need medical assistance. I know no one wants to go to the hospital for exercising their penis, right? Utilization of the “OK grip”Form an OK with your hand, using your thumb and main forefinger. Start at the BasePlace your strong hand around the base of the penis, get as close to the pelvic bone as you can. It will look as if you are trying to push your hand into your skin, but you won’t. That is exactly where you need to be. Move UpwardsWith a light pressure in your grip, move slowly to the head of the penis. The best pressure is one that does not hurt, but one that can still push blood up the penis. Stop at the GlansThe penile glans are the wrinkles that make up the neck of the penile head. You do not want to incorporate this area of the penis during jelqing. Stop right before the glans during each jelq to keep from injuring yourself. Each jelq should take about 2-3 seconds to complete. RepeatOnce you get this motion down, continue the process until you have done about 2 minutes of jelqing. Make sure to stay lubricated, because if it wears off then you will give your penis a friction burn with the excessive movement of your actions. The Perfect Jelq Technique ComponentsThe components below have been recommended from many reputable sources in obtaining adequate penis growth when jelqing.
Mini JelqThe mini jelq is a variation of the basic jelq, and is in fact quite similar to it. It is often used to aid in the fixing of penile curvature that men wish to rid themselves of. The same precautions and steps go into performing the mini-jelq, the only difference being that you do not put pressure on the entire penis, but rather the middle and outward parts towards the glans. Side JelqTo perform the side jelq, begin with a normal jelq with your penis being 75-85% erect. Towards the halfway point of jelqing, simply place your other hand at the base of the penis, helping support it. Curve the jelq movement from side to side. When you reach the glans of the penis, press your palm against it to complete the bending motion. The Quick JelqThis form of the jelqing technique is pretty self-explanatory. If you are ever short on time and need to jelq for the day to get in your adequate penile exercise, this variation of jelqing is the same as the basic jelq; only you perform it at a faster rate. You will also have to do more repetitions in order to achieve the same result as the basic jelq, as you are going at a faster rate and not doing it for the same length of time. Jelqing Tips and TricksBelow are some tips to help you along the way. Always jelq with some sort of lubricantWhether you use baby oil, olive oil, Vaseline, essential oils, etc., lubricant will ensure that you get the most bang from your time when it comes to jelqing. Never use conditioner, shampoo, or soap as a lubricant. This can dry out and cause damage to the sensitive skin that your penis has. Do not grasp your penis too tightEnsure that you are using a generous amount of pressure when grasping your penis with your hands, but not too much as it could cause bruising and soreness. If you do, that will keep you from properly and regularly performing other exercises. Remove excessive hairIt is pretty darn difficult to perform any penile exercises with an extreme bush around the base of your cock. It can also be extremely painful if your fingers catch and tug on any pubic hair that may be there. The best thing to do before you start any sort of penis stretching or exercises, is to remove any additional hair so that it doesn’t get in the way of an adequate exercise. Jelq when semi-erectNever attempt to practice jelqing when your penis is fully erect. This can cause major injury. Always perform this action when your penis is only 50-75% erect. You will get more out of it this way too! Warm up AND warm down after each jelqing sessionI cannot stress the importance of warming up the penile area and giving it a chance to cool down after performing jelqing exercises. Using a heating pad, rice sock or even taking a warm shower beforehand will do the trick to ensure adequate blood flow and promotion of growth. It will also prevent you from injuring yourself as well. Consistency is keyJust like any other type of exercise, jelqing takes time to see the results you want. To achieve success, make sure to follow all the rules of the routine in a consistent manner to ensure awesome growth! If you are persistent, I have no doubt that you will be seeing results in no time.
![]() In this article, I discuss how you can easily perform penis enlargement. Recent independent clinical studies reported in scientific journals have demonstrated an amazing fact; significant penis enlargement can be achieved without surgery or special diet. The studies produced outstanding test results like these: all men participating in the studies achieved measurable increases in actual penis size; increases were of length and girth size; put an end to premature ejaculation, give you a prostate gland that will perform for you into your later years and get you ejaculating like a star! In addition, other benefits were reported in the studies: increased fullness and firmness of the penis; spontaneous weight loss; smaller waistline and other positive changes such as increased self-esteem and self-confidence. If you have ever thought that you would like to have a larger, firmer, fuller penis you owe it to yourself to learn about these easy, step-by-step methods. IntroductionThe first important break through in natural penis enlargement is the role of circulation. Let’s go back in time to the period in your life when your penis was just beginning to really develop. The developmental stage in a young man’s life is a time of hectic physical, bio-chemical and emotional changes. And the demands for increased blood circulation in the developing areas of the body is at a peak according to Proper Blood CirculationFor the penis to grow and develop, proper blood circulation is vital. For it’s the blood that brings the essential chemicals and nutrients that stimulate growth. The body selects and monitors the process of growth and circulation. If certain demands of the body are more important, those needs may be favored and the penis may be neglected. Without the right combination of nutritional and biochemical factors the penis may miss this unique opportu-nity to grow to its maximum potential. For more than a decade scientists have been teaching people simple learning techniques for improving blood circulation to various parts of the body. These learning procedures are based on more than a decade of studies which demonstrate that individuals can learn to control blood flow, pulse ate, body temperature and many other body functions properly believed beyond human control. Until recently, no one ever thought of applying these methods to the improvement of blood circulation to the penis area so that penis size could be increased even years after the normal developmental stage had passed. Studies have shown that men can increase actual penis size by improving blood circulation to the penis area with simple, relaxing techniques. Consistent use of these methods produced outstanding test results. The techniques not only increased penis size, but were effective in increasing fullness and firmness of the penis, educe premature ejaculation and in solving the problem of men who formerly had Erectile Dysfunction. Other benefits were reported in the studies like the eduction of bulgy waistlines and a variety of positive effects on some other aspect of their lives. In one follow-up study of men who had their penis’s enlarged the men reported increased self-esteem, increased self-confidence and feeling nappier in all ares of their lives including increased sexual satisfaction. Program for Penis EnlargementWhile the research studies are fascinating from an academic and scientific point of view, it is the potential of their practical application that is unique. Another effective technique is to use a high-quality penis extender.
Fundamentally, the procedure involves basic learning processes. It is a psychological program not a medical one. To construct an effective and practical program requires expertise in psychology and an understanding of the nature of the mind/body relationship. The issue of how the mind affects the body is one of the most fascinating problems in modern psychology. The mind/body relationship has been the focus of countless studies during the last half century. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that individuals can learn to control blood flow, pulse rate, body temperature and many other body functions. Critical to many of these learning processes is the use of imagery, the visualization of mental pictures in a kind of play-acting scenario which performs on the movie screen of the mind. Its effectiveness is based on the fact that the subconscious mind reacts similarly to both the real experience and the visual imagery experienced in the mind alone. An example of this is the effects of stress on an individual. The physical effects of a stressful situation, from increased secretions of hormones to other physiological responses are well known. ![]() In this article, I discuss the truth about penis enlargement surgery. Although there are some men who are naturally not as well-endowed as others, issues on inadequate penis size can also be a psychological problem. Because of this, most of the men who feel "small" can end up with low self-confidence. Today, medical science offers a cure for this condition through a process called the penis enlargement surgery. Penis enlargement surgery is an invasive surgical procedure that aims to increase the length, girth and even improve the hardness of the organ. The affectivity and safety of the surgery has become a very controversial topic among medical professionals and surgery patients. So for those who are having thoughts about the surgery, here are a few important information that you might want to know. Penis size is actually measured in two ways: during the flaccid, unerected state and the erected state. There are men whose organ sizes do not change much during their erected and non-erected states. Researches have suggested that the average penis size of a male adult should be around 8.8 cm in its unstretched, flaccid state and 12.4 cm in its stretched flaccid state. Today, there is really no medically accepted definition on what an abnormally small penis size is. However, penis enlargement surgery is recommended for patients who have a flaccid penis size of 4cm or less, or an erected size of 7.5 cm or less. But then again, this issue is also a psychological matter and there are many patients who choose to go through the surgery, not because they need it but because they simply want to have them bigger Learn how to improve orgasm in bedroom. The SurgeryThere are actually two types of penis enlargement surgeries. One is made to increase the girth, and other type of procedure is done to increase the length. The girth enlargement surgery is done by injecting a special kind of silicon called PMMA into the scrotum and the penis. Other procedures do not make use of silicone but of liposuctioned fat from the patient's abdominal wall and thighs or parts of the dermis found in the groin or the buttock area. These tissues are then inserted under the dartos fascia - the skin of the penile shaft. Girth enlargement surgeries can increase penile girth to as much as an inch. Surgerical operations to increase penile length are considered to be the most common procedure done on patients. This is mainly performed by cutting off the suspensory ligament and putting on additional skin tissue to lengthen the entire organ. The effectiveness of this procedure is very hard to monitor since doctors and surgeons barely or never collect patient data after the surgery. However, immediate results after the surgery have revealed an increase of up to 0.5 cm and a skin length gain of up to 1.6 cm. In 2002, an FDA approved procedure developed by a urologist in California was finally released out into the market. The technique made use of subcutaneous silicone implants that can successfully and permanently increase both penile length and girth. Complications and Health IssuesThere have been a good number of complications associated with the surgery. The penile lengthening procedure can lead to the scloratisation of the penis. Scloratisation is a condition where the penis starts to arise from the scrotum instead of the abdominal wall during erection. The skin graft placed on to the organ can also die and slough off when not given enough blood supply. This can produce a deep ulcerated area which gives the organ a slightly deformed appearance. When the implanted tissues are not grafted on uniformly, they can produce nodules all around the penis. Grafted fat implants can also become reabsorbed by the body, resulting to no improvement in girth or length at all. Up to date, penile enlargement surgery has killed one patient due to complications after the procedure. ResultsA successful penile enlargement surgery can increase both the length and the girth of the organ. It is also possible to go under the procedure without experiencing any life-threatening side effects at all. The physiological effect among patients however, can vary. Men who have undergone successful surgeries but do not have self confidence can still end up sexually dissatisfied and unhappy. Successful procedures can add in up to 2 inches of length and an inch in girth. However, you can get similar results with a penis extender. Post-Surgery and RecoveryPatiets who undergo penile enlargement surgeries are often required to stay in the hospital at least a night for observation. They are usually prescribed with a certain antibiotic to keep off infection, which is a very common post-surgical complication. Some who report of pain can also be prescribed with the usual pain relievers. After surgery, patients need to take a few days off from work or any kind of strenuous activity. Recovery can be faster when patients are well rested and do not get into too much movement. During the first few days after surgery, patients are also advised to wear loose fitting clothes to prevent further compilations. Contact with underwear or any kind of clothing can transmit bacteria into the wound and cause infection. Patients are also advised to restrain from sexual activities for a month for faster recovery. It can take up to 6 months for a surgery patient to achieve the maximum erection length. It is completely normal to experience loss in sensation for a few days. This condition can easily be treated by taking erectile dysfunction medications, such as phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors which are easily available in the market today. ConclusionWhen performed correctly by proper medical professionals, penile enlargement surgery can be very effective and safe. However, there are services offered today that are not done by licensed medical professionals at all and hence, can make the entire procedure very dangerous and even life-threatening.
So bottom line, if you want to find a safe and effective solution to this issue, then give yourself time to look for the right licensed medical professionals who can perform the surgery. With your life on the line, you cannot afford to settle for less. ![]() In this article, I explain why size doesn't matter. You’ve heard it before: it’s not how big it is, it’s how you use it. But when it comes to penis size, is that really true? It’s a fear that a lot of men have. We wonder but are afraid to ask — does it really matter how big I am down there? Penis Size and Self Image Porn, the selfie epidemic, and locker room smack talking all do a lot to give men a false impression of how their penises measure up to the “norm.” It’s normal to have certain anxieties and worries about your self-esteem. Career, clothes, physique, physical appearance — all of them play a part in determining our self-image, and what vibe we project. Myth versus FactPenis size is not the least among them. But a lot of what you believe about your penis is based on myth and not fact. It may be funny to make jokes about guys having small dicks, but these jokes leave a lot of men with a feeling of anxiety that never quite leaves. Watching porn is no help, either. Porn is not real — it’s a manufactured experience that’s meant play on fantasies. You know that real sex isn’t like porn sex — so why would a real penis be like a porn penis? Let’s dismantle some of these myths about what a penis should be, and replace them with more realistic ideas. At the same time, we’ll go into some natural methods to increase the size of your penis. As well as how to give your woman an amazing sexual experience, no matter how big you are. If you are unhappy with your size, then consider a penis extender. What Women Really ThinkYou’ve always wanted to know. What do women really think and feel about penis size? An interesting new study conducted at Australian National University finds that woman rate men with larger penises as more attractive than men with larger penises. So a big penis is a bigger advantage on a taller man than a bigger penis is a shorter man. The researchers came to this conclusion by showing 105 young women life-sized images of nude men. They changed up the size of the figures flaccid penises, along with height and shoulder -to-hip ratio, which has been shown in previous studies to be connected with attractiveness for women. At the same time, taller women found taller men attractive, and the opposite with shorter men. So in ideal terms with no other factors in the mix, women naturally go for tall men with broad shoulders and big dicks. But of course, flesh - and-blood men are a lot more complex than computer-generated images. Learn about sexual body language. She might unconsciously be assessing your shoulder-to-hip ratio, but women are seduced by a lot more than that. A lot of men suffer from the belief that women are only interested in men with big penises. They look down at their own equipment and wonder, is mine big enough? The question is a lot more complicated than that. There is truly no one right answer because each woman is different. Just as every person is attracted to different things, every woman has her own thoughts about penis size. Here are some of those thoughts… “ If a guy is too well-endowed, he doesn’t try as hard.” Some women actually prefer an average penis to a supersized one for the same reason that some women think that average-looking men are better partners than extremely good looking ones. The thinking goes that if a man has too much going for him physically, he won’t put out as much effort in bed, or ever. While of course this isn’t always true, some women swear by their own experience. But that’s good news for all the guys who don’t look like models with 12-inch schlongs! “ Girth is more important than length.” A lot of women will tell you, if asked to speak frankly, that the girth, or circumference, of a man’s member is more important to the length. While deep penetration can be pleasurable, that “filled up” feeling can be more so. Thick Shaft For Better StimulationA thicker shaft also stimulates the clitoris more easily. “ No. Big dicks are scary.” Some women honestly do not find sex with a well-endowed man comfortable. A huge boner can be a turn-off because it can make the sex more painful. It also makes oral sex harder for the woman. “ Yes, absolutely, only Magnums for me.” She’s just being real! Some women know what they like, and what they like is a big penis. It all depends on the size of the woman and her vaginal canal — if a woman has a larger, longer vaginal canal, a small penis probably won’t do a lot for her in terms of penetration. And some women simply find a big dick more physically attractive. “Within reason” This is the most common answer. Conclusion Most women will tell you that they’re not terribly interested in a 3-inch penis, but in general, they don’t have any set parameters listed in their OKCupid profiles. Women want to be satisfied with sex — that much is obvious. But how a man goes about doing that really has little to do with the size of his penis. So provided it doesn’t veer to one extreme or the other, most women are perfectly content with average.
![]() Premature ejaculation is a male sexual dysfunction that occurs when the man ejaculates in less than one minute. It affects roughly 20-20% of the population. Some studies have shown that European countries have longer ejaculation times. The US has 24% of men suffering from PE. The four main causes include the biological, the neurobiological, genetic, and psychological. We're talking about diseases states like hyperthyroidism. In fact, some studies have shown that up to 50% of men with hyperthyroidism can have premature ejaculation. There's some research that has shown there is a genetic link to PE. The most concerning area is the psychological reasons. Learn about less-than-perfect sexual performance. Premature Ejaculation DiagnosisIt’s important to have a very straightforward approach. During intercourse do you ejaculate during a short period of time and does it bother you? When did it start and when did you first notice it? Anxiety is one of the big causes. How do you fix that? Go to a sex therapist and find out where the anxiety is coming from. One of the quickest ways to stop it is through masturbation exercises almost to the point of ejaculating. Calm yourself down and start masturbating again so you are almost to the point of ejaculation before stopping. You should be doing this 3-4x a week. You want to do this before you have a sexual experience. This is so you do not become too aroused so you can last longer. You want to experiment with different strokes and positions are more or less arousing during intercourse and try and focus on being relaxed. You can also use condoms to decrease sensitivity. Sometimes guys wear more than one condom. Studies have shown if you have erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation then you should treat the erectile dysfunction first. You want to ask what type of impact does it have on their female partner and if they have tried any other treatments. Only 9% of men seek treatment Of those 95, 91% will say the treatment did not help. I think it’s safe to say most patients would say it’s up to the doctor to bring up the topic of PE. Most physicians are not trained to discuss this topic. Up to 80% of the patients have to start the conversation. Treatment OptionsFirst, is behavioral treatments. The second is antidepressants and the third is the use of topical anesthetics have all been shown to be very effective. You have to realize It has a significant impact on their partners. SupplementsTypically patients use Semenax to reduce premature ejaculation. They take 2-5 pills per day for six weeks. One of the main benefits of Semenax is that it contains an all natural herbal formulation and is available over the counter.
These patients don’t experience the nausea and headaches of taking prescription ED pills. I would recommend Semenax as your first choice for increasing your sexual stamina. Those are my tips on how to manage premature ejaculation. ![]() A semen analysis is a test done on man to measure the amount and quality of their reproductive fluid called semen and their reproductive cells called sperm. A man’s reproductive system includes two glands called testicles or testes. They’re located inside a patch of skin called the scrotum and the scrotum is outside the body which keeps the testicles cool enough to make sperm. Lear how to have great sex over and over again. The EpidermisConnected to each testicle is a massive coiled tubes called the epidermis. Each epididymis stores immature sperm while they continue to develop. During sex, sperm travel through a tube attached to the epididymis called the vas deferens to another tube called the ejaculatory duct. There, sperm mixed with fluid from two glands called seminal vesicles as well as the prostate gland. Now called semen, this fluid mixture exits the body through the urethra; the tube inside the penis that usually carries urine. During IntercourseDuring sex with a woman, this process called ejaculation deposits semen in her vagina. Semen contains tens of million of sperm. From the vagina, sperm can pass through the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg from the woman’s body. Fertilization of the egg marks the beginning of human development during pregnancy. Semen AnalysisA man’s doctor may recommend a semen analysis if he is unable to get a woman pregnant after at least a year of unprotected sex. This is caused by low sperm count. A test may be done to make sure there are no sperm in the semen. For semen analysis, men need to provide a semen sample after not ejaculating for two to five days. Usually men collect semen in a sterile cup or jar after stimulating themselves to ejaculation called masturbating or a doctor may provide a special condom to collect the semen at home during sex. It’s important to collect all the ejaculated semen. Samples collected at home should be kept at body temperature and returned to the lab within two hours for reliable results. In the lab, the person testing the semen will look at the total amount or volume of the semen sample. The normal volume ranges one-and-a-half to five milliliters or about a third of a teaspoon to one teaspoon. However, you can boost your volume with Semenax. If the semen volume is too low it may not have enough sperm or enough fluid to nourish and help transport the sperm to a woman’s egg. The lab will also look at the thickness of the semen. If the semen is too thick, the sperm will be trapped within it. The next three main tests will be done on the semen sample under a microscope. First, a test called a sperm count will measure the number of sperm per ml of semen. If the sperm count is low it decreases the chances of getting a woman pregnant. Second, a motility test will look at the way the sperm move or swim. ConclusionIf the sperm have poor motility they swim too slowly or don’t swim properly. With poor motility, the sperm may not be able to swim toward a woman’s egg to fertilize it. A morphology test will look at the shape of the sperm. Sperm with abnormal morphology may have a shape that causes poor motility or the sperm may not be able to fertilize an egg even if they reach it.
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