For most men, infertility does not happen overnight but starts out with a low sperm count that can make it difficult to maintain an erection or provide pleasure for sexual partners. Although there are a variety of reasons for the condition, some of the most well-known include poor diets that lead to nutriotonal deficiencies, injuries to the groin area, excessive weight, and damage caused by prolonged smoking and alcohol ingestion.
Any guy who suffers from the condition is looking for some type of aide to help boost their sperm count and allow them to recover.
How Semenax Works
Semenax provides a significant boost to ones sexual health by increasing erection hardness, the ability to produce semen and sexual stamina. To achieve maximum results, Leading Edge recommends taking the product for 120 days or longer. The total duration for which Semenax should be taken fluctuates based on the particular needs of the individual.
One bottle has 60 pills, not quite enough for a full-months’ supply since three pills are taken daily. Guys are directed to take two pills each morning and the final pill further along in the day.
There are various herbs and ingredients included in Semenax. One ingredient included is the aphrodisiac muira puama, which may increase levels of arousal, and the amount of pleasure enjoyed in intimate moments. For a libido boost, the Brazilian herb, catuaba bark is included. Popular testosterone and sperm enhancers including Tribulus terrestris and epimedium sagittatum are also present. Check out my 2015 Semenax Review at
Tribulus terrestris is a flowering plant, most commonly found in areas with tropical climate. It is most known and widely used by young athletes and body-builders, due to the general belief that Tribulus terrestris increases male sex hormones — androgens, and enhances muscle growth. It is more increasingly used as an aphrodisiac and remedy against erectile dysfunction.
Evidence suggests that protodioscin is the active substance that exerts most libido increasing actions on the body. Current evidence shows that protodioscin binds to androgen receptors in brain areas responsible for sexuality.
L-arginine has had few adverse reactions in healthy men through many years. Nausea, diarrhea, bitter taste, increased stomach acid, heartburn, and digestive upset have been reported with higher doses. Consult your physician before beginning a regime with this amino acid.
Among bodybuilders, l-arginine has been a popular supplement since it has been touted as an enhancer of endurance and strength during weight training.
I have been taking l-arginine for many years and I have never had any adverse side effects. I take only 3 grams of I-arginine every day, plus a rich diet of eggs, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, nuts, chia seeds, and sesame seeds.
Regular maca root, found in Peru, usually comes in a light brown color and can often be found in a powder form at the health food store. Maca root has gained a lot of fame lately because of its reputation as an ancient provider of stamina, physical strength, endurance (especially for runners) and much, much more.
Sexual function benefits are also reported from users of the maca root herb.
I personally use maca quite often in my morning smoothies, and it gives me an excellent boost of energy to start my day. The brown powder has a really nice smooth and slightly nutty flavor to it which goes well with a banana in the morning smoothie, and/or some cocoa or cacao powder and maybe a little bit of sweetener or coconut products.
Zinc alone has been demonstrated to increase testosterone, as well as luteinizing hormone (LH) in humans, critical to both arousal and functioning. Neural receptors for all the sexually related hormones (estrogen, testosterone and progesterone) all require zinc proteins. Zinc is the body and brain’s green lights for sex hormone message traffic.
Zinc is needed by gonads of both sexes and like Vitamin C, we humans can only get it through the foods we ingest. We cannot make it internally. And oysters are the ultimate source of zinc containing a more potent concentration of the stuff than probably any other edible substance.
Nitric Oxide is known as the secret in rapidly building muscle mass in the fitness community but it also has been recognized as one of the primary players in assuring maximum blood flow to the penis in men and the other erectile engorgement zones in women.
Nitrous Oxide gives men harder and longer lasting erections. It's produced naturally in the body by the action of another chemical in the body, the amino acid L-Arginine. L-Arginine is a readily available nutritional supplement that will boost Nitric Oxide production in the body to enhance erections.
Pumpkin Seed
In many ways, pumpkin is considered the king of aphrodisiacs. Pumpkin is a champion among vegetables because of the amount of iron it contains. You might be surprised to discover that people who eat pumpkin regularly always have a good complexion and are usually in a good mood. The juice of pumpkin is recommended for men who wish to maintain prowess and sexuality.
The potency of pumpkin has been known for a long time, as ground pumpkin seeds have been added to various love potions for many years. Its zinc content is only 26% lower than the more famous oyster. Zinc is known to be directly involved in the production of sperm, vitamin E, metabolism, and it normalizes prostate activity. It is essential for the synthesis of such hormones as testosterone, insulin, and the growth hormone somathropine.
Does Semenax Work?
Whether you’re trying to shoot bigger loads or correct a low sperm count, Semenax is a safe and effective product that can make a significant difference if used correctly.
After taking the product, most men report experiencing rapid results and within a few days of use, sexual desire and erection firmness escalate. The volume of sperm produced, orgasm power and the length of time in which orgasms last also rises over time with maximum results achieved within 90 days.
Tips For Best Results
If you are not happy with the volume of your ejaculate, there are some things you can do to help increase the amount of sperm output while taking Semenax as a daily supplement. Most of these strategies also provide other benefits that will optimize your overall health. Best of all, these approaches do not require making radical changes in your lifestyle. With a little effort, you will begin to see greater volume and be very happy with the results.
Carrying around extra pounds is not good for you in general. The excess weight places more stress on your heart and other major organs. What you may not realize is that the fat around your middle is also messing with the balance between your testosterone and estrogen levels.
Taking the time to exercise and get back to a decent weight range will not only help you look and feel better, it will also restore the balance between these two essential hormones and help increase the production of healthy semen. As a result, you will enjoy more impressive ejaculations.
Stay Cool
One of the best ways to promote healthy sperm production is to make sure that your testicles are not restricted by tight clothing. The guys are hanging below for a very good reason – high temperatures slow production and decrease your chances of becoming a father. Slower production also means less ejaculate. Forget about how sexy you look in those mini-briefs and switch to boxers. It won’t take long for you to begin noticing a difference in the volume of your ejaculate.
Where To Buy
Semenax is sold through Leading Edge Health. Semenax pills provide a refund policy, offering customers a full refund within 67 days of making a purchase.
Company Information
Company Name: Natural Health Sciences Years In Business: 2006-2011 Contact#: 1-866-621-6889; Promo Code: S87871
Address: 129 Roweland Drive Johnson City, TN 37601 United States of America