Male Health Review
Improve your male health with natural solutions
![]() In this article, I explain the psychological benefits of a bigger penis. Failure always leaves a mark on your face, just like success does. It's even worse when you have a small penis and failure tends to follow failure in a pattern that grows bigger every day. Few things give a man more confidence than a big penis. A man who knows that the manhood dangling in his pants is big enough to satisfy his wife completely walks around with an “I don’t have a care in the world” kind of aura. And you can bet your life that your wife will notice. A big penis is your ticket to that show of confidence that is not an act or a sham, but the real thing. Anxiety, depression and low self-esteem have no chance against a big penis and rock- hard erections that last much longer than before. Your wife will be impressed by the hefty penis that just keeps going. Learn more at Marilyn Monroe is the most famous embodiment of this phenomenon; her innocent look combined with a knockout figure made her the greatest sex symbol of her generation. The famous picture of her dress blown up by the subway’s ventilation is so iconic precisely because it captures a sense of her not being sexy on purpose. Learn more at Do Penis Enlargement Exercises Really Work?Many people are keen to dismiss penis exercises as myths even though they are not familiar with the facts. Penis exercises have been around in one form or other for a very long time. Primitive tribes are still using weights, various objects and exercises to force parts of the human body to change size and achieve a new look. The women of the Paduang tribe use metal rings to lengthen their necks, while the people from other tribes hang weights from their lips or ear lobes in order to reach their own standards of beauty. With all this going on, it would be hard to believe that the penis was ignored. Especially since we know that it was not. Various penis enlargement techniques have also been reported, especially among the nomad Arabic tribes. Body enhancement techniques performed by males were always tied to the position of the person in question within the tribe or with the manhood initiation rites. It seems that men found early on that the human body can be modified using devices or exercises. The only devices at their disposal for a long period of time were weights, but stretching the penis using one’s own hands was just as good as any device. Nowadays, you can use a penis extender device. How Penis Enlargement WorksThe basic principle behind body enhancement is the adaptability of the human body in response to external stimuli. Everybody knows that the extra physical effort put into working out at the gym will trigger an increase in the size of the muscles that have to sustain the effort. The increased blood flow will, in time, force the tissues to expand and increase both the flaccid and erect sizes of the penis. Similarly, repeated exercises focused on the penis, will force the body to start multiplying the cells that make up the penis tissues and to increase both the length and girth of the penis in order to cope with the new situation. The best known penis enlargement exercise is the Jelq. This exercise is designed to enlarge the penis using milking movements in order to increase the blood flow into the corpora cavernosa, the sponge-like tissues of the penis. The increased blood flow will, in time, force the tissues to expand and increase both the flaccid and erect sizes of the penis. ConclusionIf you are looking to spice up your love life, then having the right penis girth could
be the answer you are looking for.
![]() In this article, I explain how you can more more with a few lifestyle changes. Many men are unhappy about the amount of ejaculation that they have during lovemaking. For those that are looking to increase the amount of semen, this is the perfect answer. Even women prefer men that can ejaculate large quantities. This also becomes a great confidence booster. Men that can cum more than others, enjoy an edge over other men that don’t. Learn more at and Average Ejaculate VolumeOn an average, men will ejaculate 1.5 ml – 10 ml which is about 2 teaspoons. Those that that can’t produce these quantities are diagnosed with a condition known as hypospermia. The ability to produce larger quantities of semen decreases with age and is also affected by various hereditary factors and other environmental conditions. Ways to Maximize Ejaculate VolumeApart from the genetic factors, there are a couple of other conditions that can also affect the ejaculate volume. These are some of the factors that should be taken into consideration. Lose WeightObesity and overweight men have problems with the cum quantity and many times are also unable to have a hard erection. Losing weight and regular physical exercise can help in combatting this problem. Especially cardio exercises increase the flow of blood to the penis and other parts of the body. This will also help men in getting a good erection and semen quantity. Men struggling with their overweight problems will also experience testosterone imbalances and this will also affect the amount of semen that is produced by them. Lower StressStress levels can play havoc with the cum quantity. This is the reason that stress levels should be lowered. Demanding jobs can lead to tress buildup. This can be countered by suing meditation techniques such as Yoga or taking up a hobby. PC ExercisesApart from regular exercising, exercising the PC muscles is also important. A well exercise PC muscle helps to shoot further. Weight bearing exercises will also increase the testosterone levels in the body and boost the libido of the person as well as his semen quantity. Take A Break from SexThe body can produce a full load of semen every 24 – 26 hours. Beyond that the unused semen will be broken down and recycled by the body. So those looking for delivering a massive knockout should do so every 24 – 36 hours. Therefore staying chaste for days on end is of no use. For those that are prone to having sex or masturbating many times a day, the first time will be the full load. After which, they won’t have the quantity that they want. So in this case, timing of the shot is very crucial. Quit SmokingIt’s important to quit smoking and taking drugs as this interferes with the body’s ability to create the full load of the semen that men want. A drink occasionally is fine. Overdoing drinks is a complete no no. Further drugs and drinks affect the liver and can lead to a bad and a fatty liver. Have Sex EarlyThe sperm levels are known to be the highest in the early mornings. This is the reason that men are advised to make love in the early mornings and also in the early afternoons. Stay CoolIf the testicles are heated or have been crushed by tight ill-fitting clothes, then the semen production and the libido of men will be affected greatly. This is why it’s important that men should wear loose cotton boxers that let the testicles remain at the normal temperature. Before having sex, refrain from taking very hot baths or sauna as this will diminish the capacity to perform and ejaculate great quantities. Drink More Water98% of the semen consists of water and this is the reason that men should consume copious amount of water. This will help men in achieving great volumes of semen. Without enough hydration, the ejaculate will be extremely lumpy. This is something that women won’t definitely like. A Healthy DietMaintaining a correct diet is extremely important for the body and even your sexual life. For men that seek to increase their libido and cum levels, a high protein diet coupled with a low fat diet is the crux. Food products such as whole grains, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, a bit of red meat, poultry products, fish, oysters etc. can do the trick. Pelvic ExercisesThe pelvic floor muscle can easily be strengthened by doing the flexing exercise. Simply contract the muscles and in this way, the blood flow to the penis can be stimulated. This will also give men the holding power. SupplementsUsing Semenax semen pills can also augment the production of the semen. MassagesMassages with hot oil and aromatherapy can help the body to relax and increase the blood flow to the penis. This will also help men in achieving higher quantities of semen and becoming relaxed. VitaminsVitamin C, Vitamin E and beta carotene are important ingredients that should be include in the daily diet. There is actually no need to take supplements and fresh fruits and vegetable have plenty of both. Benefits of Increased Ejaculate VolumeThere are a number of benefits when the volume of cum is increased especially for men:
Increase Semen Load with Volume PillsThe semen pill is one of the fastest ways to increase the ejaculate amount. There are a number of herbal ingredients that are perfectly safe and have been procured from around the world in order to increase the ejaculate volume for the men. They provide the body with all the right ingredients that help the body in having the higher semen load.
These are perfectly natural and safe products. What’s more they are even cheaper than other synthetic products. These products are manufactured in pharmaceutical industry standard operational facilities after years of research and study. Most of the products also come with a money back guarantee ad this proves the authenticity of the product. Some of the best products in the market have guaranteed results that can increase the semen load by as much as 100 – 200%. One of the best are Volume Pills sperm booster. Choose from a number of brands that are currently available. ![]() In this article, I discuss what is the average penis size. Sex is fundamental in the life of a healthy, normal adult, and when you feel insecure and nervous whenever there is a possibility of a sexual encounter or gets embarrassed and ashamed in a gym’s shower room with the guys, you have a hang-up about the size of your penis. Learn about Vigrx Plus at Penis Size is GeneticWhether you like it or not, the genes inherited from your parents plays a large part in the size of your penis. Luckily, there are penis enlargement products that are widely available today and this means you do not have to suffer the embarrassment of a penis small than average. According to studies, the average erect penis size is from 5.9 to 6.5 inches with the girth at around 4.8 inches on the average. If you have measured your penis and its size is somewhere around this range, you should take comfort in the fact that your penis is of average size. If you don’t measure up or if you like your penis to be even BETTER and BIGGER than average, we have a compilation of the most effective and safest Penis Enlargement Programs available on the market today! Check out our penis extender reviews. Every male is guilty of that quick glancing and comparing while in locker rooms or while in adjacent urinals. Men are always curious to see how they measure up in relation to penis size. Below is a list of penis facts to find out how you measure up.
Penis Length“What is the average penis size?” is a question that many men keep wondering about. This section makes the analysis for you and gives an explanation of the various physical and psychological aspects related to penis size. The average penis size of most men is approximately 6.5 inches. Men whose penises are smaller than this can be plagued by various physical and psychological problems. Penis Size StatisticsHere are what the statistics say.
The traction device has been developed by medical practitioners to solve this problem and so that men will get the added length they need or want. Information related to these devices and how efficient they can be in treating erectile dysfunction can be found throughout the site. The devices are also designed to improve sexual stamina and increase penis size. GirthIn an interview of 1,500 women conducted by “Psychology Today”, it was found that majority of them prefer sleeping with a man whose penis girth is thicker. The reason they gave for this preference is the greater stimulation of the clitoris by a thicker penis, causing a more intense orgasm faster. The average man’s erect penis measures around 12.3 cm or 4.85 inches in girth.
![]() Yohimbe is a tree mainly found in the west Africa and bark of this tree contains Yohimbe in high quantity. In the olden days these were used to treat fever, leprosy and coughs but now a day it is used aphrodisiac and used for the treatment for erectile dysfunction. Learn about the benefits of having sex. What Are The Risks?The person who is suffering from low blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, liver or kidney should avoid taking this drug as it can cause many complications. It should also by the people who finds unreasonable side effects of the drugs. This has been banned by many countries like Australia, Finland Canada and Norway due to its effects of life threating. What is the alternative?There are many alternatives for the yohimbe which have same advantages of sex enhancement without any side effects. They helps in fighting impotence,increase libido , helps you in getting harder erections and all this without having, any side effects.
For example epiderdum leaf extract which was used for last 2000 years for sexual and reproductive tonics. They acts in many ways like to increase erection capacity , fullness and size. Epiderdum also contains falvonoid known as icariin. Theses helps in cgmp specific and pde5 inhibitor. This is same type which is found in drug known as Viagra, cialis and levitra. One of the study did in china showed the fact that these inhibitors which can be developed I the form of oral treatment of erectile difficulties. Other herbs like Asian ginseng root,ginkgo Bilbao, catuaba bark extract, and many seeds which are useful for improvement of sexual activities and performance according to ![]() In this article, I discuss the best sex positions for a small penis. On the average, an erect penis should be around six inches in length. But there are millions who fall short of this measurement and if you are one of them, you may be apprehensive that your penis size can affect your sexual performance. You need not worry because although a big sized penis can be advantageous, it is the width and not really the length that matters. If you are tired of having a small penis then read my X4 labs penis extender review. In addition, women do not really enjoy their cervices getting rammed, which happen often when a man’s penis is too long. Painful intercourse is not sexy, and there are many women who complain when a man’s penis is too large. The truth is that the right combination of foreplay and stimulation can get a woman sexually satisfied, whether the male has a small penis or large penis. Read on as we talk about the best small penis sex positions and how to get the most pleasure out of them. Learn about tips for sex in physical locations. Before You Get InsideIt is obvious that there’s a great deal more to good sex than penetration. Most adult males fully acknowledge the benefits of foreplay. A man with a small-sized penis should take advantage of this and prolong foreplay to the point that his partner is completely aroused. The closer she is to achieving orgasm before the start of actual penetration, the easier it will be for her to reach her climax via one of our small penis sex positions. Focus on ForeplayForeplay should include all acts your woman enjoys doing and being done to her. Kissing and caressing are always stimulating, but do not limit your techniques to the old standbys. You should be inventive if you really want to rock her world. At the start, some sexy pillow talk will get her in the mood. Sex toys are very useful and be sure they are on hand. Some women are a bit kinky, and sensual biting or even a bit of spanking can set her off. Lavishing her with attention that you know she will respond to is the key to great intercourse. You should get her so hot with foreplay that she will not be able to help herself and beg for you to enter her. Stimulate The ClitorisBefore the sexual intercourse, you should spend a longer period stimulating her clitoris as much as she can handle. You can do this either by oral sex or manual stimulation. Make sure she reaches her climax at least once before you proceed to sexual penetration. This method will help alleviate any performance anxiety you might be feeling once you are ready to do the following small penis sex positions. The PositionsBelow are some of the most popular positions. The DoggieThe doggie, when performed at the correct angle can make even a small penis feel big. You will want her in a comfortable position, her head and shoulders comfortably on the pillow, with her bottom raised high in the air. Creating the most effective angle with her back arched and her thighs drawn together will cause the most delicious friction during penetration. The doggie is the easiest of the small penis sex positions on our list; but it is one of the most popular. Bite-sized tip: During penetration, you should lean forward and maintain as much physical contact as is manageable. This will maximize her feeling of intimacy, enabling her to feel the physical stimulation and reach her sexual peak very quickly The SnakeThe snake is a small penis sex position where the woman is lying flat on her belly and her legs closed. For the sake of ease and greater comfort, a pillow should be slipped beneath her hips so that her bottom will arch upward and become more accessible. Keep your knees bent while straddling her hips. Maintain an upright position while placing your genitals just behind her bottom. Spread her thighs gently with an opening just enough for you to slide your way in and begin penetration. During this intercourse, you should take care to keep your weight off her body. If you need to brace yourself, bend forward until you have touched the bed – but don’t detract too much from the position. Bite-sized tip: Holding her thighs together as you are penetrating her will give you the feeling of tightness and greater friction. This position is also excellent if you are both into sexy spanking The Rabbit EarsThe woman should be lying down on her back, with her things spread and her legs drawn up with her knees close to her ears on both sides. By slipping a pillow under her bottom, her vagina will be in a better angle best suited for the rabbit ears small penis sex position. At the point of penetration, you will both feel like you are completely filling her vagina. Once the excitement becomes extreme however, the woman may find it difficult to hold her legs in position. It is suggested that you use your arms to hold her knees in place by bracing yourself on the bed barring the crook of her knee in place. Bite-sized tip: This position is excellent as she can masturbate during sex. You can encourage her to slip her hand between your bodies and stimulate her clitoris while your penis is inside her vagina and you are rocking back and forth. The V-FormationWith the v-formation, the woman is lying on her back and you are between her thighs. You enter her normally just like you would if you are in a kneeling position. You then raise her legs up by grasping each one around the ankle. You are going to keep her legs up entirely and spread them apart until they resemble a letter “V.” Your thrusts will be very deep in this V-Formation small penis sex position, so you should brace yourself palms against the wall or the headboard. You can drape her legs over your shoulders so you can continue your thrusts without losing the position. Bite-sized tip: This is an excellent position for teasing her clitoris and exciting her even more. Rest one of her legs on your shoulder to free one of your hands and start stimulating her clit until she screams in joy. Prime PositionsThere is so much emphasis on size in pornographic literature, but the truth is that a woman will achieve orgasm with a penis of any size, provided that the male is inventive and can make the most of what he has. It means you need to stimulate her clitoris during sexual intercourse, but that is also the case with a large penis.
What matters most is foreplay and stimulation. A man’s tongue can do wonders to give her woman a good orgasm. Combined with our small penis sex positions, foreplay will make your woman more than satisfied, and that is a promise. Thinking his penis is much smaller than average is a great ego killer for all men. It is important for you to understand that in all likelihood, your penis is not as small as you think it is compared to most other males around you. ![]() Natural penis enlargement is definitely the more advantageous and safe way to achieve a bigger penis than by having surgery. The first reason why natural penis enlargement is an advantage over surgery is the cost. Surgery can cost up to ten thousand dollars and occasionally even more. Few insurance companies will cover this, so the expense must be entirely out of your pocket. Compare the cost of an expensive surgery to the cost of a quality penis stretcher, which costs less than four hundred dollars, or even to an approved exercise program for less than a hundred dollars, and the difference is obviously staggering. Learn about sex if she's not in the mood. SafetySafety is also an advantage of natural penis enlargement. Penis enlargement surgery is known to have largely unsavory side effects such as infections or bruising. And if something goes wrong during the surgery, you could have much more serious problems on your hands. Many surgeries require you actually put weights on your penis after surgery. These weights can interfere with a healthy circulation. Due to this, there can be complications such as infection or even partial amputation. When you do penile enlargement exercises, you can control your pace and how uncomfortable you feel. However, with surgery you are not in control of these aspects and you may suffer some harm to achieve a larger penis. Penis Enlargement StretchersPenis enlargement can be accomplished with penis stretchers. This is the best method that is considered effective and much easier on the body and the pocketbook than surgery. When using a penile stretcher along with an exercise program, you can see results fast. Consider and X4 Labs stretcher. So truly surgery is usually a very expensive and unnecessary option that could even be dangerous. ConclusionThe only method of penis enlargement that is giving permanent results that are proven and successful is the X4 Labs penis enlargement device. This enlargement device results in a penile increase in both length and girth. Results are guaranteed.
You even get a doctor’s oversight and advice along with the purchase for no extra charge. This ensures that you are handling your penis enlargement process in a safe and effective manner.In conclusion I don’t want to see over opinionated. Please look at the forum and check through everything on your own time. You can join the forum for free and ask questions about anything. There are some excellent people to consort with and discuss your concerns and share your experience with. ![]() When men have a penis under 2 inches, it is sometimes called a micropenis and these cases are when men may need penis enlargement surgery. This condition is usually detected by doctors or parents immediately after birth or shortly thereafter. According to statistics, only 0.6% of males belong to the group of men with a micropenis. Boys in their adolescence will sometimes be afraid that they have this condition. However, many of them simply have excess fat near and around their pubic area. Some others may just be experiencing delayed puberty. They just need to wait as their penis is still growing. Learn how to increase sexual pleasure. What Causes Micropenises?Micropenis can be the result of a problem in later fetal development. The common cause of a micropenis can be traced to chromosomal and hormonal problems. It can also be the result of problems in the making of, or the response of the boy to androgen. According to research, penile development in fetuses goes through two stages. The first stage is when the development of the penis and scrotum is triggered in early fetal development. The second stage is when androgen influences the growth of the penis in latter fetal development. It is suggested that micropenis occurs when the first stage happens, but the second stage do not; so the penis was developed but did not grow. There can be many other reasons why someone is born with a micropenis, as micropenis is only a description of sex organ. A third of all people born with a micropenis do not really fit into a category that will explain the cause of the condition or why some men suffer from it and others don’t. Many men who think they have a micropenis would not even fit the clinical diagnosis. If you are worried that you have a micropenis, the first thing to do is consult your doctor. Treatment of Micro PenisIn most cases, the treatment for micropenises is surgery. Surgery however is not advisable for children, and they are usually treated with simple hormone injections. Initial evaluation of micropenises can be misdiagnosed and the child mistaken for a female but because of DNA and genetic testing, this is easily resolved nowadays. Get rid of your small penis with an X4 Labs penis enlarger.
Men with micropenis can be afflicted with many psychological problems, as society expects and accepts women with vaginas and men with penises. An individual who has something that is neither or in between may feel awkward socially and is advised to seek professional counseling so he can deal with his problem. ![]() There has been an ongoing argument about natural penis enlargement programs for years and it seems this will continue to go one for more years, because the issues being raised by both sides are both sound. The bad name attributed to many penis enhancement programs today is because of the various scams presented through infomercials and sent through spam email. The claim that a penis pill can make the sex organ 3 inches longer, or some pill can enlarge your breasts up 2 cups more, or some pill will make you a better golfer can sound incredulous and impossibly unreal. Get the sexual advantage in long-term relationship False ClaimsHonest merchants will not make false claims or advertise “massive gains in as little as two weeks”, because it is implausible. However, diligence and patience can bring real results if you choose to take penis enhancement pills. You will not gain your desired 4 inches in a month’s time, but you will gain from 2 to 4 inches in 6 months. Realistic ExpectationsSo men will say: “But 6 months is a life time! I want to impress my partner tonight!” An overnight solution is simply not possible. You can search all the forums and the websites offering free exercise programs but you will not find an overnight penis enhancement miracle. You can also buy the most expensive device available but it will not change your body overnight. Natural Ways to Increase Penis Size
Why Enlargement has a Bad ReputationAll men want to know how to make your dick bigger naturally and fast. But penis enlargement has bad reputation in fact. It is believed that the reason penis enhancement programs have a bad name is due to the proliferation of scams sent through spam e-mails and infomercial campaigns promising improbable results. Those promoting their products promised unbelievable and incredible results like pills that can make your penis grow by 3 inches, or your bra cup 2 sizes larger, and some device that can make you a great golfer!!!
Only proven penis extenders and penis exercises can make your penis bigger. Merchants who are basically reputable will never claim “massive gains in as little as two weeks”, because it is improbable, if not downright impossible. If you want to enhance or enlarge your penis, you have to work on it diligently and wait for it to work patiently, until you get the amazing results you want. You will not gain the 4 inches you wanted in a month, but you will gain 2 to 4 inches within 6 months. So you will exclaim: “But 6 months is a life time! I want to impress my partner tonight!” You can browse all you want, read up all the forums and look at all the penis enhancement sites, but an overnight miracle is just not possible. You can even buy and try the most expensive device there is on the market but nothing will change your body overnight. Do not think of overnight solutions as you only have one body, and you do not want to expose it to grave danger. ![]() There are many men who think that their penis should be 5 to 6 inches to be considered normal and that women like men with even larger penises! The Department of Andrology and Sexology of Cairo University, however conducted studies recently and the results showed that this is a misconception. The findings in this study has been published in the Journal of Urology and suggests the need of Sex Education treatment for men complaining of short-sized penises. Learn why oral sex is better than fingering. The study has been conducted involving 92 men who were complaining of having short penises when flaccid or erect. It was conducted for over 2 years and findings show that 72% were unhappy with their penis when it was flaccid while only 28% were unhappy with the size of their penis when erect. The study points out that Sex Education may change a male’s attitude about his penis so that none of the males will suffer erectile dysfunction. What Studies Say on Penis SizeThe study began by learning about the length of time the study participants have been complaining, and determining the sexual habits of all the men involved in the study. They were able to determine that majority of the men have inflated beliefs of what is the normal size of a male penis when flaccid and erect. The participants were then given a questionnaire to understand and determine the best treatment and how to proceed. Most of the men changed their views drastically after an andrologist gave them extensive tutoring and getting each of them measured. The sessions gave them a more realistic and general view. The number of men who agreed to move forward and undergo more drastic measures so that their penis size will improve. From this study, it has been proven that the majority of people were receiving wrong information, and this makes the average male feel that they are less than what they should be. Sex education treatment and clinical measurement may be able to help give men back their confidence with a bigger penis through surgery or other solutions like a penis extender. The result will be an increase in the overall confidence of the average man if they are properly informed what to expect! Is a 6 inch Penis Small?“Is a 5 inch penis small?”"is a 4 inch penis small?” 95% of males have an erect penis of 6 inches. It’s about as average as possible. Not even all of the 95% of men out there are 6 inches, according to studies. The majority range in size from the low 5’s to 6. So those who are in the 6-7 inches range are very lucky with what they have. There is a saying that one should not be too greedy. The girth can also be important when the female’s sexual pleasure is considered. More recent studies have produced the following results: A sample of 60 men studied by researchers at the University of California at San Francisco determined that the average size of their erect penises was 5.1 inches long and 4.9 inches in girth. A Brazilian urologist who measured 150 men reported that the average size of their erections was 5.7 inches long and 4.7 inches in girth. So, average is more than enough. Our view of our plastic “super-size me” world make us worry about unimportant things. It is not really about size but about how you love and how you treat those that you love. Does Perfect Penis Size Really Exist?If the ideal penis size really does exist the questions are these: what is it, who has it and how can you get it? All of us have seen ads featuring a whole range of products for sale designed to help us achieve goals like ideal body weight and other things of that nature. However, those weight loss ads have been outnumbered recently by a different type of advertising campaign. What are being offered now are products that promise to supply the ideal penis size! If the goal is the ideal penis size, the question is who are those wanting to achieve it and how do they expect to achieve their goal? The average penis size is about 6 inches long which can make you depressed or happy, after determining how you measure up. Generally, black males may have penises longer than this, while Asian males may have shorter ones. Typically women are happy with a 6-inch penis because for most women it is not always the penis length that is important to them. Many women will tell you that the length does not really matter, because the girth is equally important. Based on these remarks, what really is the ideal penis size? Is the ideal penis size the average size or a size bigger than average. And what does bigger exactly mean? Is it bigger in length, in girth or what? Who Decides What The Ideal Size Is?What should really matter to you is how WOMEN perceive your penis, not how it compares to the penises of adult film stars or blowhards on the Internet. We have surveyed, interviewed and consulted many women extensively on this subject. We therefore know pretty well the answer given my majority of women regarding their preference in penis size. Most women want a penis size that is at least average because they can be visually attractive. It is hard for some women to get turned on when the penis they are looking at is much smaller than the penis of most of the guys they had sex before. You should therefore want to be on the right side of average, or larger than at least 50% of the competition, even if you cannot hope to be hung like Tommy Lee or an adult film star. What is average? There has been numerous studies regarding this subject and they report different numbers, but the majority of the studies and the results of the more reputable ones put the size at 6.5 inches long and 5 inches around. So, if you have measured yourself and you find that you are smaller than that, you will want to at least aspire for that size. What do women really find ideal beyond average? Is the saying “bigger is better” really true without limits? We say not at all. When watching adult films, women who have sex with guys who are obscenely large do not really exhibit genuine pleasure. There are times that you can see they are experiencing discomfort, although they try very hard to hide it. You don’t really need a 9 or 10 inch penis to make satisfying love to a woman. Some women I know told me they refused to have sex with a guy who whipped out a grotesquely large member because of fear that it might rip her apart or hurt too much. Ideal Penis Size Is All In The HeadGuys sneak a peek and compare themselves with other guys which is the cause of some problems. Sneaking a look when someone is taking a pee or overestimating the bulge in someone’s short can only lead to feelings of inadequacy. This method cannot be an accurate way to guessing and calculating how big the penis of the other guy is. However, this practice is the most common reason males become anxious and concerned about the size of their penis. This is also the main reason why they daydream about that ideal penis size. Guys Think All Porn Stars Have The Ideal Penis SizeIt’s a true fact! Most males look up at porn stars thinking they are blesses with a giant penis. They think the porn stars possess what is every woman’s image of the ideal penis size and a rock-hard erection they can die for. However, this belief is completely wrong and just another misconception. In fact, it is wrong in 2 instances because: 1. Most women say they do not enjoy a penis that is too big because sex can be painful 2. Not all porn stars are over-endowed sex gods It will all depend in the man to know how to use his equipment. Even if they have the right size but still cannot satisfy his sex partner, then the right size is just a waste. The Ideal Size Is Still Achievable!Even though there is no total agreement on the ideal penis size among various groups on the exact length and girth; it is possible and desirable to improve on what nature has endowed you with. You should set your goal for your ideal penis size and strive to achieve it!
There is a proven and totally guaranteed way to improve the size of your penis. Consider the number one penis extenders. It can be tricky to find out exactly how to achieve your ultimate goal and successfully enhance your penis without getting ripped off. The penis enlargement business has recently become a literal minefield seeded with scams, false promises and downright lies. ![]() Generally, men have a distorted view of the normal penis size. What is a small penis? It is a fact that “average” has not been defined until recently. In a study published in the Journal of Urology dated September 1996, it was concluded that an average flaccid penile length is 8.8 cm or 3 inches and an average erect penis length is 12.8 cm or 5 inches. Moreover, if was found from women’s magazine surveys that they consider that “size does not matter.” In spite of all these, men remain fixated on an having an 8 to 10 inch penis. Some men do not even realize and appreciate what they have. The penis of an obese man, for example gets concealed by a suprapubic fat pad, making the penis look shorter. When you press firmly on the fatty tissue, the true penile length will be revealed. This matter is patiently explained to individuals by medical practitioners, but a man who wants a larger penis is hard to convince that what he has is average. Learn how to be sexually involved with women. Start Adding Inches TodayA bigger penis size gives you confidence in dealing with women and your peers in general. Our clients all report a huge increase in confidence brought about by their bigger penis not just in dealing with women in the bedroom but in general encounters as well.
Women are attracted by a man with confidence. It is something that they sense right away when they meet a man. There is this “not a care in the world” aura exuded by confident men. They have that knowing glint in their eye and a stance that tells people he knows what he’s up to. If you have gained this kind of confidence because of your improved penis size, you will enjoy more attention than before from members of the opposite sex. Men packing a meatier fuller penis are more bold and flirtatious. After using Penis Extender, it becomes easy to be charming to women. Although there are cheaper, lower quality imitations of the Penis extender sold in the market, none can match the quality and results of Penis Extender. |
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July 2018