Male Health Review
Improve your male health with natural solutions
![]() In this article, I explain how you can more more with a few lifestyle changes. Many men are unhappy about the amount of ejaculation that they have during lovemaking. For those that are looking to increase the amount of semen, this is the perfect answer. Even women prefer men that can ejaculate large quantities. This also becomes a great confidence booster. Men that can cum more than others, enjoy an edge over other men that don’t. Learn more at and Average Ejaculate VolumeOn an average, men will ejaculate 1.5 ml – 10 ml which is about 2 teaspoons. Those that that can’t produce these quantities are diagnosed with a condition known as hypospermia. The ability to produce larger quantities of semen decreases with age and is also affected by various hereditary factors and other environmental conditions. Ways to Maximize Ejaculate VolumeApart from the genetic factors, there are a couple of other conditions that can also affect the ejaculate volume. These are some of the factors that should be taken into consideration. Lose WeightObesity and overweight men have problems with the cum quantity and many times are also unable to have a hard erection. Losing weight and regular physical exercise can help in combatting this problem. Especially cardio exercises increase the flow of blood to the penis and other parts of the body. This will also help men in getting a good erection and semen quantity. Men struggling with their overweight problems will also experience testosterone imbalances and this will also affect the amount of semen that is produced by them. Lower StressStress levels can play havoc with the cum quantity. This is the reason that stress levels should be lowered. Demanding jobs can lead to tress buildup. This can be countered by suing meditation techniques such as Yoga or taking up a hobby. PC ExercisesApart from regular exercising, exercising the PC muscles is also important. A well exercise PC muscle helps to shoot further. Weight bearing exercises will also increase the testosterone levels in the body and boost the libido of the person as well as his semen quantity. Take A Break from SexThe body can produce a full load of semen every 24 – 26 hours. Beyond that the unused semen will be broken down and recycled by the body. So those looking for delivering a massive knockout should do so every 24 – 36 hours. Therefore staying chaste for days on end is of no use. For those that are prone to having sex or masturbating many times a day, the first time will be the full load. After which, they won’t have the quantity that they want. So in this case, timing of the shot is very crucial. Quit SmokingIt’s important to quit smoking and taking drugs as this interferes with the body’s ability to create the full load of the semen that men want. A drink occasionally is fine. Overdoing drinks is a complete no no. Further drugs and drinks affect the liver and can lead to a bad and a fatty liver. Have Sex EarlyThe sperm levels are known to be the highest in the early mornings. This is the reason that men are advised to make love in the early mornings and also in the early afternoons. Stay CoolIf the testicles are heated or have been crushed by tight ill-fitting clothes, then the semen production and the libido of men will be affected greatly. This is why it’s important that men should wear loose cotton boxers that let the testicles remain at the normal temperature. Before having sex, refrain from taking very hot baths or sauna as this will diminish the capacity to perform and ejaculate great quantities. Drink More Water98% of the semen consists of water and this is the reason that men should consume copious amount of water. This will help men in achieving great volumes of semen. Without enough hydration, the ejaculate will be extremely lumpy. This is something that women won’t definitely like. A Healthy DietMaintaining a correct diet is extremely important for the body and even your sexual life. For men that seek to increase their libido and cum levels, a high protein diet coupled with a low fat diet is the crux. Food products such as whole grains, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, a bit of red meat, poultry products, fish, oysters etc. can do the trick. Pelvic ExercisesThe pelvic floor muscle can easily be strengthened by doing the flexing exercise. Simply contract the muscles and in this way, the blood flow to the penis can be stimulated. This will also give men the holding power. SupplementsUsing Semenax semen pills can also augment the production of the semen. MassagesMassages with hot oil and aromatherapy can help the body to relax and increase the blood flow to the penis. This will also help men in achieving higher quantities of semen and becoming relaxed. VitaminsVitamin C, Vitamin E and beta carotene are important ingredients that should be include in the daily diet. There is actually no need to take supplements and fresh fruits and vegetable have plenty of both. Benefits of Increased Ejaculate VolumeThere are a number of benefits when the volume of cum is increased especially for men:
Increase Semen Load with Volume PillsThe semen pill is one of the fastest ways to increase the ejaculate amount. There are a number of herbal ingredients that are perfectly safe and have been procured from around the world in order to increase the ejaculate volume for the men. They provide the body with all the right ingredients that help the body in having the higher semen load.
These are perfectly natural and safe products. What’s more they are even cheaper than other synthetic products. These products are manufactured in pharmaceutical industry standard operational facilities after years of research and study. Most of the products also come with a money back guarantee ad this proves the authenticity of the product. Some of the best products in the market have guaranteed results that can increase the semen load by as much as 100 – 200%. One of the best are Volume Pills sperm booster. Choose from a number of brands that are currently available.
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July 2018