Male Health Review
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Quick Extender Pro has much to live up to concerning its claimed results and supposed benefits. Can you really benefit from the advantageous side of QEP? The manufacturer thinks so – here are some of the claims from the official QEP website that make this brand stand out and questions I think are worth answering:
Frequent Questions and AnswersHere are my answers to common questions about the Quick Extender Pro. 2 Inches Worth Of Gains In 6 Months?Farfetched? I think so. The manufacturer site only references size improvement with an image, nothing is ever directly stated or confirmed by a medical professional or clinical study. Even though Quick Extender Pro can produce results that are worth the time spent, 2 inches is out of context in only 6 months. While I have never had the chance to read about the results of this device, using SIzeGenetics personally, I gained almost a full inch within 6 months. This is one of those moments where your skepticism should spike. Is The Money Back Guarantee A Scam?I have already put out a write up on this topic. The verdict was QEP’s money back guarantee is the most transparent and straightforward guarantee out of all the best penis extender brands. You can read my assessment Quick Extender Pro money back guarantee for clarification. Will Results Appear Only After 3 Weeks?I wouldn’t count on it, but if you purchase the Deluxe Limited Package, your chances are much higher. This package gives you an extender, vacuum pump, and an effective male enhancement supplement to use in conjunction of one another. In essence, all three enlargement methods together can pull off a feat this daunting. Plus, if you read the official site where this is stated, exact gains are never specified. This is understandable because with any form of penis enlargement, results vary by individual. The image that portrays timely gains says a quarter of an inch after 4 weeks of your current length if you are already five and one quarter inches erect. If your current size is smaller or bigger, its hard to provide you with gain increments. You should expect gains within the range of a quarter inch Will it produce adverse side-effects?Yes, although this is true only to the point of misuse. QEP is comprised of medical grade materials. This helps capture every possibility of length and width improvement, while being able to use the extender comfortably for long periods of time. Ultimately, medical grade materials means QEP should not break from use. This is one of the more notable problems with other penis extenders. Gains Are Permanent Once Achieved?Absolutely. Traction works in sync with your body’s ability to heal and repair tissue as tension exerted from the device causes your penis to grow. Cells divide and multiply to fill in the gaps from tears caused by tractions stretching force, producing permanent growth. Traction works over a period of time, so achieving multiple inche gains can take years to produce. Are Two Fasteners Better Than Just One?QEP is designed to distribute traction proportionally along the length of your shaft, which is suppose to control tension levels and completely reduce the chance of the device slipping off. Distributing tension applies less pressure to a single area of your shaft, thus increasing comfort, reducing slippage, which is suppose to allow you to wear QEP longer. This is helps speed up gains. There is no reason why this is not true. QEP’s DSS technology is why this penis extender is better than most of brands on the market. Increase Length And Girth?This is hard to say. A traction device primarily helps increase penile length. I can say this because these were documented results from a clinical study testing the efficacy and usefulness of a penis extender. However, over a long period of time, you will notice width gains as penile traction helps increase blood flow throughout your penis, which slowly expands length and width. This is true with any traction device if used long enough. With QEP, it is designed to be worn for longer periods of time over a prolonged course of treatment. In essence, this is true, so the manufacturer is not lying. Improve Stamina And Erection Strength?This is based on the amount of time you use the device. Traction improves blood circulation within your penis, so if you use QEP for a year, you will portray more than just a size increase. However, this can take quite a while to notice since traction treatments last for a considerable amount of time. Innovatech once again provides you with the truth and only the truth based on this claim. Is The Lifetime Warranty have Your Covered?I should not be the one telling you. If you are really considering purchasing the Quick Extender Pro penis stretcher, you should read the terms and conditions for yourself. I can tell you this much, the manufacturer provides transparent details about all of their policies and terms, a very good quality for a brand to portray. Medical Grade Materials?All of the included fasteners are created using medical grade materials. The attachment components are comprised of medical grade materials. The extension rods, attachments pieces, and traction tension system are fabricated using strong medical grade aluminum. The entire system is built with safety, comfortable use, and results in mind – everything you will ever need an extender to provide. Is The Premium Package The Best?This is the only penis enlargement package that features a traction device, vacuum pump, and exercise program in one. Most extender packages come with a stretching device only and sometimes an exercise program. Although some companies offer the option of adding a pump separately of the package you want to purchase, it still costs more money. Saying that QEP is the best is irrelevant. There are no comparisons of other premium extenders showing you why it is the best, nor does Innovatech even mention other brands. In short, I would not say this is the best stretcher available, you can make a better investment. A Worthy Investment?YES. No other penis extender manufacturer discounts their packages like Innovatech. You save a huge amount if you keep in mind you get three natural penis enlargement treatments that are actively used and supported by the PE community.
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